
Category: Website Wisdom

Category: public-relations-101-blog, eglahr-website-wisdom
Websites: New Designs
October 20, 2015 0 Comments
EGLahr PR & Media has re-launched two new websites: a website update for one client, and a brand-new design for another -- and we love to show off our work. For Berkshire Children & Families, we updated the photography and editorial content, added new pages and improved the blogging features for ease of use by our client. For Huffman Hospitality Concepts, we created a lovely new site from the ground up for a new consulting business. Thanks to our clients for investing smartly in their 24/7 calling cards. Take a...
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Quick Social Sharing with SNAP
May 29, 2015 0 Comments
We're trying out some new options for simultaneous sharing of blog posts, and landed on this WP plug-in called SNAP. I write my blog. Before I "publish" I select my own social media accounts to receive and share the news. Working out the tweaks, and the tricky part was the setup, but for that I have my assistant Jacob Robbins, techno-guru, to get me through the hard parts. [caption id="attachment_1743" align="alignleft" width="164"] Jacob Robbins[/caption] This little plug-in differs from the icons you see on your public page -- it's...
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Google: Mobile-Friendly Site Design Vital
March 20, 2015 0 Comments
Big changes at Google: the Goliath search engine has announced that, if your site does not have a mobile-friendly site design, -- i.e., it's not "responsive"-- for smartphones and other portable devices, your business may soon feel the pain in (SEO) search engine rankings. If you are due for a website overhaul, or just a new mobile-friendly theme, now's the time. Here's the word from Google: "Starting April 21, we will be expanding our use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal. This change will affect mobile searches in all languages...
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Website Neglect: Antidote
December 4, 2014 0 Comments
Website neglect: The bane of the small business owner. How many of us simply have no time to tend to our very own websites? We are behind onĀ  those much-neededĀ  updates, blog posts, text edits, fresh photos and other shake-ups that improve our public profile, our SEO, and the experience of our website visitors? Ironically, some of us are in the business of website development and management for others -- and yet our own is looking tired. The busier we are, the more engaged we are with our clients, the more we are falling behind on our...
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Using Video to Enhance Outreach
July 18, 2014 0 Comments
We've all heard it: Using video to enhance outreach and engagement will boost response to our press releases, marketing e-blasts, social media and other outreach. Adding a video or photo instantly brings your outreach to yet another level -- whether as part of a press release, e-blast, blog post, social media share, or other direct-connect. Real estate broker Audrey Schoenfeld discovered the punch of video while working on a new website with EGLahr PR & Media. She wanted her website to showcase a particularly stunning listing -- a...
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